Welfare & Wellbeing

Related Policies


Better protect and support the most vulnerable Australians, while prioritising fairness and lowering levels of wealth inequality.

Policy Methods (Federal & State)

To help achieve this Sustainable Australia Party will:

  • Provide an unconditional universal basic income - or citizen dividend - of $500+ per week ($26,000 per annum, indexed from 2021) to every Australian(1). This would:
    • Provide adequate income to help prevent people from living below the poverty line
    • Ensure no Australian welfare recipient would be worse off
    • Be in addition to special needs payments required by some, such as pensioners and Australians with a disability
    • Replace a range of welfare payments including Jobseeker, Austudy, etc
    • Supercede the 'single versus couple' pension rates, with all pensioners to receive this 'single' rate, regardless of their relationship status
  • Properly measure unemployment and underemployment (also see Job Guarantee policy)
  • Provide universal healthcare, including free basic dental care (also see Health policy)
  • Manage the NDIS with efficiency and priority for Australia’s high-needs individuals and families (also see Health policy)
  • Increase investment in public housing (also see Housing Affordability policy)
  • Develop better quality aged, community and home care facilities and standards (also see Ageing policy)


  1. A universal basic income for Australians (taxable at marginal tax rates)
  2. As of, and indexed from, 2021. Most relative poverty estimates would put the single adult poverty line at around $800 to $1,000 per fortnight.