> SAP endorses Dennis Bilic for 2025 Prahran By-election
> SAP endorses Councillor Daniel Minson for 2025 WA State Election
> SAP is hiring a NSW Campaign Organiser
Sustainable Australia Party is an independent community movement with a science and evidence-based approach to policy - not a left or right wing ideology. We fight for a fair and sustainable Australia that puts our community and environment first - therefore our health, economy and quality of life.
For a fair and sustainable Australia
We are often asked what the difference is between SAP and other political parties or candidates, including the Greens. We are the only political party to put our environment first.
SAP's approach to the housing crisis is a prime example. Whereas the Liberal, Labor, National, Greens and Teal groups support chasing ever more environmentally-destructive hyper-demand with ever more environmentally destructive hyper-supply, SAP has the sustainable solutions (see video below).
Environment means "the [natural and built] surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates."[1] This includes our home, street, neighbourhood, suburb, region, country and planet.
Our #EnvironmentFirst plan:
Stop corruption (including in politics, planning and development)
Stop overdevelopment (including housing sprawl and inappropriate high-rise)
Stabilise population (mainly by returning annual permanent immigration to normal[2])
There's much more to SAP including a $500+pw universal basic income (UBI)[3] to help create a fairer Australia. We would rather see the hundreds of billions of dollars in federal and state government subsidies for middle and upper income earners (e.g. property and superannuation tax concessions), property lobby (infrastructure and services to support their rapid population growth profit agenda), and multinational mining companies (e.g. fossil fuel and tax write-off subsidies) go to help meet the basic needs of all Australians. This will be particularly important in the urgent task of transitioning away from the unsustainable and inevitably failed Liberal/Labor 'houses and holes' economy - and as AI increases. See Policies.
Preferences? No deals!
SAP contests a range of federal, state/territory and local government elections. As an independent community movement, after you Vote 1 for Sustainable Australia Party, we ask that you decide where to direct your own preferences. Don't let any party or independent candidate tell you where to direct your preferences - i.e. don't follow their how-to-vote cards! See 'Preferences' under 'About us' in our website menu.
[1] Oxford Dictionary.
[2] SAP is a pro-immigration party. As part of our #EnvironmentFirst plan, we simply support returning Australia's annual permanent immigration program to the normal Twentieth Century average level of 70,000 p.a. This would be non-discriminatory and have no impact on our humanitarian (refugee) intake.
[3] Universal basic income for Australians.