Job Guarantee

Related policies


Establish a federally funded national job guarantee program in order to ensure full employment, managed through the re-established Commonwealth Employment Service (CES), and initially focused on protecting and restoring Australia’s environment.

Policy Methods (Federal & State)

To help achieve this Sustainable Australia Party will:

  • Properly measure unemployment and underemployment
  • Regard full employment as equating to around 2 per cent unemployment, being people moving between jobs, and with no underemployment
  • Provide citizens unable to secure other appropriate work (e.g. in the private sector) with secure work through the job guarantee program on (at least) the national minimum wage of around $40,000 per annum (in addition to a universal basic income - also see Welfare policy)
  • Initially focus the job guarantee program on protecting and restoring Australia’s environment, including:
    • Conservation management, including via State national parks
    • Further developing land stewardship funds to support relevant farmers and rural landowners to help manage biodiversity values on their properties, including areas that are either high conservation value and/or unsuitable or marginal for agricultural use (also see Regional & Rural Australia policy)
    • Restoring failed plantations back to native forest
    • Rehabilitating abandoned mines
    • Transitioning redundant fossil fuel-based mining employees into other work
    • Operating a repair café in every suburb and town in Australia
    • Retro-fitting housing for energy efficiency
    • Undergrounding powerlines to minimise bushfire risks, as recommended by the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission
    • Other projects appropriately determined by local councils and state governments

"...the [state’s stock route] network also harbours campsites and areas of ecological and cultural significance, leading to furious discussion about who should ultimately pay to maintain key infrastructure that will benefit a diverse stakeholder group." InQueensland

"In Australia, you have tens of thousands of abandoned mines — abandonment of mines still happens now. You have mines that are put on 'care and maintenance' and that's it." ABC

  • Later consider other health and wellbeing-related industries in the job guarantee program