MEDIA RELEASE: SA Party lodges application for state registration

MEDIA RELEASE: SA Party lodges application for state registration

The federally registered Sustainable Australia Party today lodged its application for registration in South Australia as the ‘SA Party’.

The party is using the SA Party name due to the ‘SA’ abbreviation synergy between Sustainable Australia and South Australia. It has three key campaign aims, being to protect our environment, stop overdevelopment and stop corruption.

Sustainable Australia Party federal president William Bourke said the state SA Party aims to emulate their 2018 success in Victoria, where it achieved the election of an Upper House MP on a campaign to stop overdevelopment in Melbourne.

“The March 2022 SA election offers a real opportunity for local communities to have their say on planning and environment issues that affect their neighbourhood and quality of life. To help achieve this and to bring back trust and transparency into politics, we will be advocating a Swiss-style direct democracy element for SA politics.

“The main feature would be citizen-initiated referenda where, much like the Swiss system, the SA Parliament must put a binding referendum to the people within 12 months of at least five per cent of SA voters signing an official petition.

“If elected in March, as their first priority, our SA Party MP will start a petition to ban all property developer political donations in SA.

“The SA Party will soon announce several candidates and run for both the SA Upper and Lower House,” Mr Bourke added.


Sustainable Australia Party is an independent community movement from the political centre. We believe in an evidence-based approach to policy - not an extreme left or right ideology.


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