Kirribilli House109 Kirribilli Ave
Sydney, NSW 2061
Google map and directions
Event contact
Georgia Lamb0403 950 422
Join SAP in the #ClimateStrike this Friday, the 25th of March, against Climate Change as we demand better environmental action from our Government!!!
Join us at Kirribilli House - the PM's residency, on the corner of Kirribilli Ave and Plunkett St at 12noon where you will be provided with protest signs and flyers - before the protests 12:30 start.
Just look for the 'Sustainable Australia' signs and you will find Cr Georgia Lamb and SAP NSW Senate candidate Ellie Robertson - the organisers of this group event!
For any further information please email [email protected]
We hope to see you there!
Kind regards,
Georgia and Ellie
UPDATE: The venue has changed to Kirribilli House at 109 Kirribilli Ave, Kirribilli 2061, the busses will take you directly there or a 10 minute walk from Milsons Point Train Station.
On the bright side this is also a beautiful picnic area for after the protect!!
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