"There has been inadequate community consultation about the UTAS plan and the views of UTAS students and staff have not been properly taken into account."
The Sustainable Australia Party has called for the UTAS Sandy Bay Campus to be maintained as a high quality educational facility. The current UTAS plan is to move the university to dispersed locations in the Hobart CBD and build around 2,700 residences and a 'tourism precinct' on the Sandy Bay Campus site.
The scale of the proposed development for Sandy Bay Campus has raised numerous planning concerns related to overdevelopment including parking, traffic congestion, loss of remnant bushland, stormwater management and loss of amenity for local residents.
Sustainable Australia Party Senate Candidate Todd Dudley said: "There has been inadequate community consultation about the UTAS plan and the views of UTAS students and staff have not been properly taken into account.
“As a result, there is increasing community unease and opposition to the UTAS move and development plan. Many people don’t understand why you would vacate a highly desirable location at Sandy Bay with its open space and bushland for a disaggregated inner city alternative. It looks like a land grab by the property industry and there needs to be a comprehensive independent enquiry into the whole proposal," Mr Dudley added. | Ends