Federal parliament needs more women and scientists: Sustainable Population Party
Sustainable Population Party has endorsed a truly local candidate for the 2015 Canning by-election - Angela Smith. Angela is an environmental scientist and resident of Canning, with links to the region going back 30 years.
With a federal parliament severely lacking female representation and scientific expertise, Angela Smith represents the best of both worlds.
“I’m proud to be representing a community movement advocating for an economically and environmentally sustainable Australia,” said Angela Smith, Sustainable Population Party candidate for Canning.
“I’m really looking forward to communicating with as many residents of Canning as possible. In particular, there are a number of key issues I will be campaigning on for the people of Canning, including education, paid jobs, infrastructure, health care, renewable energy and housing affordability.
“I have over thirty years of work/life experience in science and environment, health and social welfare, FIFO mining, primary production, stay-at-home caring and most recently, further study as a mature age arts/law student at Murdoch University. I also volunteer at the Mandurah Community Museum.
“We live in a finite world. Sustainable Population Party is redefining growth to secure a prosperous economy, healthy environment and better quality of life for all Australians. Real growth means a better, not bigger Canning,” said Ms Smith.
William Bourke, President of the Sustainable Population Party said, “We are pleased to have Angela Smith representing our community movement in Canning, and welcome the opportunity to present our vision for an economically and environmentally sustainable Australia.” | ENDS