Event contact
Andrew Thelander (Post your comment to Andrew below)At last month’s meeting, it was decided to support our member, Chase Diehm, as candidate for the Central Ward of Brisbane City Council at the local government elections on 28 March 2020. Central Ward includes the suburb of New Farm and is a ward where there is concern over rampant development and population increase. It should be well suited to our policy platform.
With a State election looming as well, it was noted that Sustainable Australia Party is not yet registered as a political party in Queensland. 500 members are needed statewide and we currently have about half that figure. Chase has had an opportunity to catch up with our President, William Bourke, to discuss options for officially registering the party here. This will be a major topic of discussion at the next meeting, along with campaigning activities.
Please let me know if you have any other items to be added to the agenda. I look forward to seeing you there.
Please RSVP below.
Kind regards
Andrew Thelander
Brisbane Coordinator
Sustainable Australia Party