Tilley's Devine CafeBrigalow St & Wattle St
Lyneham , ACT 2602
Google map and directions
The ACT committee welcome any local members who would like to meet this Sunday 10 March.
Please come and have a coffee or a drink with us at Tilley’s Devine Cafe, Lyneham any time between 3pm to 4.30 pm. We meet outside under cover on the Brigalow Street side of the cafe.
The latest flyers will be available if you are able to letterbox any areas in NSW (eg Queanbeyan) in advance of the 23 March NSW election. This election is a crucial one for the party.
If you are able to hand out ‘how to vote’ cards at a NSW polling booth on election day we can also discuss the best approach to voters.
Looking forward to seeing you,
Geoff Buckmaster, Paul Gabriel, Lindsay Penrose and John Haydon.
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