MEDIA: The Advertiser - Sustainable Australia Party seeking to register its SA branch as the “SA Party”

MEDIA: The Advertiser - Sustainable Australia Party seeking to register its SA branch as the “SA Party”

Sustainable Australia Party federal president William Bourke said the party sought to protect the environment, halt overdevelopment and stop corruption.

Two proposed parties lodged applications with the Electoral Commission to register the same name – “Family First”.

Meanwhile, former SA senator Bob Day has applied to register the Australian Family Party and the federally-registered Sustainable Australia Party is seeking to register its SA branch as the “SA Party”.

Sustainable Australia Party federal president William Bourke said the party sought to protect the environment, halt overdevelopment and stop corruption.

Mr Bourke said the party would also be advocating for a Swiss-style direct democracy for SA.

“The main feature would be citizen-initiated referenda where, much like the Swiss system, the SA Parliament must put a binding referendum to the people within 12 months of at least five per cent of SA voters signing an official petition,” he said.

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