Fresh off an 8 per cent primary vote in the Groom federal by-election [1], Sustainable Australia Party has registered in WA to contest the March 2021 state election.[2]
Sustainable Australia Party president William Bourke is looking forward to contesting the WA state election and hopefully emulating the success the party had in Victoria, with an Upper House MP elected in 2018.
Mr Bourke said “For too long Western Australia has been limited to the same old political choices offering the same old unsustainable boom-bust economic model – ‘houses and holes’. While both housing construction and mining are important industries, they have huge negative environmental consequences and should not completely dominate an economy. West Australians need secure jobs via a more diverse economy.
“WA Labor has had no effective opposition for years and have become arrogant and lazy. Premier Mark McGowan must stop using COVID-19 to ride roughshod over community concerns about overdevelopment. The 2021 WA election will be the planning election - offering a real opportunity for local communities to have their say on planning issues that affect their neighbourhood and quality of life.
"We've registered as 'Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption' in WA in order to send a clear message to voters that our party will protect them against the major parties and vested interests.”
Sustainable Australia Party WA Organiser Daniel Minson added ”We’ve built our WA base considerably this year, particularly in light of growing community concerns about rampant overdevelopment across WA, from Scarborough to Gnarabup and beyond.
“Communities across WA are looking for a new style of politics that will protect our environment, stop overdevelopment and stop corruption. To achieve this, we must immediately ban all political donations from property developers and return real planning powers to local communities through council-managed citizen juries.
“We need to put people and the environment before property developer profit,” Mr Minson added.
Sustainable Australia Party is an independent community movement from the political centre, with a positive plan for an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable Australia. We believe in an evidence-based approach to policy - not an extreme left or right ideology.