Sustainable Australia Party is an independent community movement with an evidence-based policy platform. We have developed a broad policy platform with sustainable solutions to address Australia's growing economic, environmental and social problems.
We are the only political party to put our environment first - and therefore our health, economy and quality of life.
SAP is campaigning to:
- Protect our environment
- Stop overdevelopment
- Stop corruption
There's also much more in our broad policy platform.
You can find out more about our local policies for the North Sydney local government area below under 'North Sydney campaign issues and policies'.
Sustainable Australia Party says only it can stand up to state government mandated over-development
What the North Sydney candidates want you to know before the election
Profiled: Meet the north shore candidates vying for your vote (paywall)
Sarah Kok for North Sydney Council
Cammeraygal Ward
Sarah has called Cremorne home for 15 years, after moving to Sydney following a decade of working overseas and interstate. She is Malaysian-Chinese by heritage, and enjoys the rich cultural diversity of North Sydney, the land of the Cammeraygal people.
Why Sarah is running for Council
Sarah is committed to putting our environment and community first by pushing back against overdevelopment that threatens the quality of life of our community and future generations.
Sarah believes that development done in the right way, brings benefits to our society. However, she is concerned that systemic unfairness in the planning system often results in our environment and community being overlooked and negatively impacted. Sarah is particularly concerned about the State Government’s current proposals to significantly increase density, right across our local area, without commensurate increases in infrastructure, public services and green spaces. Some of these proposals will accelerate the demolition of 1-2 storey homes and older style (and often more affordable) apartment buildings, to make way for 6-7 storey apartment blocks (that are likely to be luxury apartments). Because North Sydney Council area is already 89% medium to high density, the State Government's proposals will also further erode our housing diversity. This will have societal impacts as it will reduce housing options for our community.
Sarah is also passionate about promoting sustainable practices that protect our bushland, trees, wildlife and waterways, and encouraging re-use and recycling.
Sarah is an avid walker, covering 12 km each day to keep fit and maintain mental wellness. On her walks, which takes her through all our diverse suburbs, she takes in the beauty of our harbour foreshores, reserves and heritage conservation areas. She is captivated by the successful blend of new and old architecture, our canopy trees, wildlife, and unexpected parks, that add charm and liveability to our neighbourhoods. Getting to know people in our community is also a highlight for Sarah, as is supporting local businesses – whether it’s enjoying a coffee at her local café or shopping at the neighbourhood village. For Sarah, North Sydney LGA is an incredible place to live, work, and play, and she is deeply committed to preserving it for future generations.
Sarah’s capabilities
Sarah has 20 years’ experience working in the energy sector in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, and brings extensive commercial, strategy and policy expertise. Holding an Economics degree with first-class Honours, Sarah has proven capabilities in translating complex government policies into real-world impacts, and developing strategies to influence outcomes. She is accredited by the Australian Financial Markets Association with a professional skillset in Conduct and Ethics. She has a track record of making financially responsible decisions backed by analysis, and collaborating with diverse stakeholders to develop solutions. Sarah will leverage these skills to serve our community, making informed, evidence-based decisions to address our community’s most pressing challenges.
Michael Want for North Sydney Council
St Leonards Ward
Michael lives in Crows Nest having moved from Greenwich 11 years ago. He has a Degree in Building Science and is a self employed consultant in the Project Management and Built Environment space, in which he has worked for over 40 years. An area of significant interest in business is Economically Sustainable Development and environmental issues.
Michael believes there is a need to ensure Council is as responsive to community needs as possible, whether it be in fixing local roads or addressing community concerns about overdevelopment.
Michael is passionate about climate change and ensuring this generation passes on a better planet to his children and grand children.
Michael has three adult children who all attended school in North Sydney. He has a strong community focus having been involved with kids basketball and rugby in North Sydney and Lane Cove.
Michael played rugby for Queensland and also played in France and the US. He has travelled extensively through the US, Europe, South America, India and Africa.
Cr William Bourke
St Leonards Ward Councillor between 2021-2024 (also running in Michael Want's 2024 St Leonards Ward group)
William is a current Councillor and two-time Deputy Mayor, and is the founder of Sustainable Australia Party, which is based in Crows Nest.
William has lived in the North Sydney area for around 20 years, including Wollstonecraft and North Sydney. He enjoys nature, bushwalking, beaches, running and travelling. He grew up on the urban fringe with bushland as his extended backyard and weekend recreation. He wants to ensure that we fulfil our primary moral responsibility to pass on an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable Australia to our children and grandchildren.
For more details on North Sydney Council candidates, click on the image below (coming soon):
Coming soon.
North Sydney campaign issues and policies
In the 2024 North Sydney Council election, Sarah Kok and all Sustainable Australia Party candidates are campaigning to protect our environment, stop overdevelopment and stop corruption:
Protect our environment and green spaces
- Preserve and enhance our beautiful natural surroundings including our parks, bushland and harbour areas, and deliver high quality, new green spaces.
- Require property developers to incorporate more green space in their projects and preserve and plant more trees.
- Take real action on climate change at a local level, including stronger laws to prevent inappropriate land and tree-clearing.
- Adopt a biodiversity and native species program including land and marine animal habitat protection.
- Aim for a zero waste outcome by reducing then eliminating local waste production and increasing recycling and repair capabilities, expanding the operations of our local repair café at the Coal Loader in Waverton (an initiative of Sustainable Australia Party’s Councillor William Bourke).
Support sustainable transport initiatives including:
- Better and safer bicycle networks including a fully connected network throughout the Council area.
- Better and safer pedestrian infrastructure, including more access to harbourside areas and lighting in parks, lanes and other walkways.
Stop overdevelopment
- Return real planning power to local communities through proper engagement, rather than state government property industry appointees on so-called "independent" planning panels.
- Reject the State Government's proposed North Sydney Council housing growth targets and determine new targets following a full audit of local infrastructure capacity and proper community consultation.
- Deliver new community infrastructure before more housing density is approved (including new schools, hospitals, public transport, roads, recreational and sporting facilities, green space, etc).
- Ensure that planning and zoning changes protect North Sydney's environment, heritage and local liveability (e.g. access to direct sunlight, scenic views and open space).
- Require property developers to make greater contributions to community amenities such as parks, community centres, sporting facilities and libraries, as well as social and affordable housing.
Stop corruption and increase transparency
- Adopt more transparent reporting of political lobbying and all financial contributions, including the requirement for all North Sydney Councillors to declare any time they spend with registered lobbyists and property developers.
- Campaign to ban all property developer donations and contributions to political parties and all candidates - including at federal level, which is often used to support state or local government candidates.
And much more:
SAP's state and federal policy platform can be found here:
Get involved
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If you'd like to help letterbox or staff an early voting or election day voting centre, please contact us.
> Contact
- Email: Contact Us
> Social media
- Facebook: SAP for North Sydney Council
- Twitter/X: @William_Bourke
- Instagram: votesustainable
- YouTube: votesustainable
Do you live in or near the North Sydney Council electorate? If so, we'll send you some flyers to letterbox.
Please contact us ASAP.
Voting centre
Important: SAP volunteer and voting centre behaviour guidelines HERE
Early Voting Centres / Election day Voting Centres
Early voting: Saturday 7 September - Fri 13 September (excluding Sun 8th), 9AM - 5PM (exact times TBC)
Coming soon...
Polling day: Saturday 14 September, 8AM - 6PM
Coming soon...
Postal Voting: Click here
How to vote SAP (enrolment, preferences)
How to vote SAP (preferences)
As an independent community party from the political centre, after you Vote 1 for Sustainable Australia Party, we prefer that you decide where to direct your own preferences (if at all).